Factum Mortalitatis
Mortality is one of the taboo topics of contemporary life. However, the project does not use the term to refer to death, but to the process of life - an inevitable ongoing process of change. The project tries to create a new approach to the topic through the human-object relationship. Behind this is the conviction that a conscious confrontation with one's own mortality leads to humbleness, which is the basic requirement for solving the complex social, ecological and political problems of contemporary times.

This project posits that individual mortality significantly impacts attitudes toward life, considering the interplay of time and value across the realms of the Individuality, Consumption, and Nature. Utilizing an exhibition space, six products symbolize mortality's influence on individuals and their surroundings, promoting awareness and reflection.
The Individual is questioning aspects of individualism, self-perception, self-expression, and the management of one's lifetime.
Dental Braces
The first object is asking the viewer what to think about self-expression. For this question it uses the fact of the risen life expectency and the dif-ference between fit and agile old people, and frail old people. The agile old people want to express themselves differently, to show an obvious con- trast to frail people. The project is exaggerating this fact by using a symbol of teenagers – the braces – together with a symbol for old people – the dental prothesis.
The mirror reflects the way our self-perception changes over the course of our lives. As we get older, we begin to know and understand ourselves better and better. In time, physical appearances such as the face and body hold less significance to us. Hence, this mirror aims to symbolise all the new facets and distortion that come with aging.
The Consumption aspect critically highlights our behavior concerning rapidly changing trends, the lifespan of products, and our relationship with marketing strategies.
Nowadays trends are chaning very fast. Especially in the fashion sector. Customers react mostly to these trends, to stay modern. The problem is that the need of these products is a created need of the advertising industry. In conclusion products do not need to last as long as they used to, wich creates a lot of broken and unused pro- ducts that end up on landfills. The cabinet shows the aspect of different trends with the positive notation that the user can change them whenever wanted or needed. The only restriction: every change of ornaments is irreversible.
All products need to fulfil the requirement of the statutory warranty. This means mostly that products need to work for two years. It became more a more popular for producers to only fulfil the two-year-requirement. Products are breaking
often after exactly after two years. The lamp shows the aspect of breaking after the two-year-warranty by destroying itself. To show the user that the time is passing by, the drawstring gets continuously shorter. The user cannot stop this process.
Nature challenges our interaction and perspective. Humans disrupt and exploit the natural balance, failing to recognize their integral connection to it.